We Haven’t Forgotten You!

We’ve Missed You!

If there's anything we can agree on right now -- it's that life since our last #k12prWell message has been unpredictable.

Not long after the COVID-19 care package went out, we found ourselves overwhelmed with workload, concerned about the health of loved ones, consumed by the ever-changing news, and exhausted navigating difficult family dynamics day in and day out. (Sound familiar?) Our wellness -- and often just straight-up survival -- meant this list took a back seat for weeks, and then months.

Last week, the two of us finally had a chance to catch our breath, reconnect, and talk about the year ahead. We are honoring several commitments we made to NSPRA state chapters, and we are working on developing a new presentation to help encourage and support in the year to come.

(More on all that a little later.)

For now, we just wanted to send you #k12prWell wishes as you help reopen the schools in your community. You are confronting challenges and heartaches unlike any before, and we want you to know that you aren't alone. Your work matters to your community, and your wellness matters to us.

Be well,

Shawn and Kristin

A Bit of #K12prWell Wisdom

And a big thanks goes to Molly McGowan Gorsuch for this piece of handmade truth and wonderfulness, a powerful reminder to remember that our wellness matters -- especially in a pandemic.

Thanks for being part of the #k12prWell conversation!

Shawn & Kristin

Shawn McKillop, APR | @ShawnMcKillop on Twitter

Kristin Magette, APR | @kmagette on Twitter


Tell us: How has 2020 Affected You?


Crying Through COVID-19